Our Board
Jennifer Goodman — President
Jennifer Goodman currently serves as the Associate Chief Nurse for Geriatrics and Extended Care for the Cheyenne Veteran Affairs Health Care System where she oversees several programs that care for geriatric Veterans in Wyoming, Colorado, and Nebraska. Jennifer is a graduate of Laramie County Community College and the University of Wyoming nursing programs. When not at work she enjoys traveling and spending time with her family.
Jennifer Goodman has been a member of the WGC board since 2016 and served as its president from 2018-2022.
Wyoming Guardianship Corporation utilizes a team of industry leaders with extensive experience in their field to ensure that every person served has a voice. Our team is dedicated to providing quality services so that you can have peace of mind.
We are currently looking for a new member to join our board of amazing individuals. If you are interested and would like to be considered please reach out to us by using our contact form.
James Bush — Vice President
Sandy Murray - Treasurer
Sandy Murray is a proud Wyoming native, born and raised in Lander Wyoming. She graduated from the University of Wyoming with a BS in Accounting and recently retired after a 36-year career in the accounting industry. For the last 22 years, she owned and operated her own CPA firm in Cheyenne Wyoming. Throughout her career, she worked extensively with non-profit organizations. Sandy provided accounting and payroll services for WGC for 10 years prior to retiring and selling her CPA firm.
During her high school years in Lander, Sandy worked at the Wyoming State Training School (now known as the Wyoming Life Resource Center) working with individuals with special needs - a job that she truly loved and valued. She has several family members with special needs who are very dear to her heart.
After retiring in the spring of 2022, Sandy and her husband moved to Riverton to be closer to family and where they raise their adopted granddaughter, who adds great joy and love to their life.
Sandy joined the WGC Board of Directors in August of 2022.
Sam Tortorich - Secretary
Sam Tortorich has lived in Wyoming since 2010. He is a local attorney and member of the Wyoming bar, practicing law in the community since 2010. Sam has clients with special needs and is a fervent believer in the work that WGC does for Wyoming.
Born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago, Sam relocated to Cheyenne with his wife after attending Temple Law. His family has grown to include three daughters. He absolutely loves Wyoming and tries to enjoy hunting, fishing and hiking as often as possible.
Sam has served on the WGC board since 2017.

John Bailey
John Bailey is a retired Cheyenne native. John's career path included enlisting with the Wyoming Army Guard from 1971-1977. John is a retired certified financial planner, spending 40 years with Ameriprise Financial.
John has been married for 49 years from which he has 2 wonderful daughters. John is passionate about the work that WGC does for those that are in need and has 2 nieces of his own that have special needs.
In retirement, John enjoys spending time outside working on landscape on his property as well as serving on WGC's Board of Directors and has kept a seat on the board since 2014.
Sharron Kelsey
Sharron Kelsey is enjoying retirement after working more than 30 years advocating, supporting, and serving persons with developmental disabilities. In the 1980's she was the Executive Director of the Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities. During that time she was instrumental in organizing a statewide Parent Support Network, organizing and conducting the first statewide convention on employment for persons with developmental disabilities, supported the state of Wyoming's move to provide community based services using Medicaid waiver funds, assisted in the organization of the first statewide Mega Conference on Developmental Disabilities and advocated for guardianship services throughout the state. From there, she joined Magic City Enterprises where she worked in various positions including managing all the residential and supported living services, overseeing staff training and Human Resources including recruitment, hiring, payroll and benefits.
Sharron has been a long serving member of the WGC board since 2005.
Sue Garrett
Sue Garrett retired after a 35 year career in mental health, specializing in services for people who had a mental illness. She has a Master’s Degree in Counseling from UNC and a Masters from CSU specializing in Change Management.
Currently Sue spends time with her three grandchildren and husband Glen doing bookkeeping in a family business.
Sue has graciously participated on the Board of WGC several times throughout its development, most recently since 2018.
Jamie McBride
Jamie McBride, residing in Wyoming since 1993, has been a Registered Nurse at a local community hospital since 2004 working in both the Emergency Room (ER) and the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). She enjoys working directly with patients as well as providing education and training with others in her field. Because of her passion for education, Jamie is currently working as a Clinical Nurse Educator and is pursuing her Master's Degree in Nursing Education. Jamie is an active member of the Wyoming Emergency Nurses Association and will be President Elect for 2023-2024.
Throughout her nursing career, Jamie has provided care to many patients and families in the community and state who have experienced challenges dealing with substance abuse, use disorders, mental health, or individuals with a disability. She is passionate about ensuring individuals who experience special needs are cared for in a compassionate, nurturing and ethical manner.
Jamie is a busy mom of three kids, two dogs and husband. As a family they enjoy camping, gardening, and watching football together. Jamie's aunt has Downs Syndrome, therefore she grew up advocating for individuals with special needs at an early age. She witnessed the struggles that her grandmother and mother faced in making sure that her aunt's needs and care were met.
Jamie has been a member of the WGC Board since May 2019.
Kristin Custis
Kristin Custis has lived in Wyoming for almost 20 years and loves the Cheyenne community. As the Director of Community Engagement for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Wyoming, Kristin works with area youth that have special needs daily.
Kristin believes giving a voice to those that need it most, is very important. WGC is unique in that it understands the needs of its clients and is in the best position to advocate for them. People need someone in their corner, to back them and look out for them. Wyoming Guardianship Corporation does that. As a member of the WGC Board of Directors, Kristin believes in the good work they do and the people that they help.
Kristin has three kids in high school that keep her and her husband busy. They spend most of their free time traveling with them for sports and if they have free weekends, go skiing, or boating.
Kristin has served on the Board since May 2019.
Michelle Aldrich
Dr. Michelle Aldrich is currently the Wyoming State Director of Career & Technical Education and Perkins Funding. She spent 8 years teaching the family resource management strand at the University of Wyoming as adjunct faculty. She has been teaching nutrition at two Wyoming community colleges over the last 26 years in nutrition and education. Dr. Aldrich most recently was a Family & Consumer Science Teacher at Triumph High School in Cheyenne for 15 years, which is the oldest and largest alternative high school in Wyoming with 250 students in grades 9-12. Dr. Aldrich has won national teaching awards in culinary arts, was named the Wyoming Career and Technical Education Teacher of the Year, and honors that include the 2021 Rising Star Award from advanced CTE and the 2021 Wyoming Women of Influence in Education.
Aldrich is currently the president of the Zonta Club of Cheyenne. She is the past president of DKG Upsilon Chapter, past president of the National Association of Teachers of Family Consumer Science, which represents over 3000 FACS teachers nationally, and the past president of the Wyoming Early Childhood Association, past president of Cheyenne Rotary After Hours, and Immediate past state president of Delta Kappa Gamma Wyoming Alpha Xi State Chapter. Michelle currently serves on the Governor’s Corrections Industry Board and National; Council of Governors’ Health Summit. She has previously served as a Governor appointee on the Wyoming Women’s Council, the Department of Family Services Advisory Council for several consecutive terms, and also on the Wyoming Early Child Care Licensing Board. Michelle also serves on the Cheyenne City Council representing Ward 3.
Michelle is married to her high school sweetheart of over 45 years, Andy. They have two daughters, both elementary educators, and two grandchildren. She loves to read, and travel with family.
Dr Aldrich joined the WGC board in June of 2022.